

Obviously, I am excited that summer is over as far as I am concerned, because that means it's soup season! I am one of those people who does not eat soup at all in the summer. i can't get behind eating hot, liquid based meals when it's sweltering outside. but today the high was 71 and that was all I needed. To celebrate impending autumn, I made one of my all time favorite soup recipes. It's called Nutty Sweet Potato Soup, and the recipe is care of Ellie Krieger. Now, Mark and I differ on our opinions of Ellie. She might be overzealous about healthy eating (which some people might say about me), and her eyes might open a little too wide when she gets excited, but I don't even care. She makes lots of tasty meals, and a many of them are vegetarian. Anyway, this soup is stellar. You can find the recipe here.

Do NOT change a thing, because this recipe is perfect. Well, tonight I did switch out regular sweet potatoes for white sweet potatoes. Still delicious. And on top of that, this meal is super nutritious. There is literally nothing bad for you in this recipe, and it includes a few nutritional powerhouses, like the sweet potatoes and the carrots. You even get some protein and healthy fats with the peanut butter in there. Plus, it's the perfect meal to make if you are vegan, or having vegan guests over.

My inspiration tonight was soup and sandwich. Obviously, I went all out with the soup, so I cheated on the sandwiches. I picked up a loaf of fresh bread on my way home today and simply cut a few slices, put some shredded Cabot reserve cheddar cheese on top, and toasted them up in the oven. Voila, cheater grilled cheese. Healthier too, since you avoid all that butter you would need in a pan on the stove. This hit the spot with the soup. So, be prepared! I apologize in advance if this turns into a soup blog until June, but at least you won't be disappointed when you try this recipe (and many others to come)!


Anonymous said...

It really is the soup time of year, and you can't beat a grilled cheese with soup. I like your healthy twist -- melted cheese is melted cheese, after all!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for visiting our new blog!

If you do take pictures of stuff you've cooked with Cabot cheese, we can post them for our "Say Cheese!" Wednesdays.

Pictures of cheesy Cabot goodness are always welcome there. :)